I just finished a beautiful series of four books by Michael Phillips, The Secrets of Heathersleigh Hall.
These are the first books I've read by Michael Phillips himself, though I've read many of the George MacDonald books he's edited. I was so blessed by the deep heart issues he raised and dealt with in a beautiful Biblical way. I related deeply to the prodigal, Amanda and her parents as they prayed and waited for her return. I identified with the beauty of her return to the Father and to her family as I am daily thankful for the return of our prodigal and the beauty God continues to mold into her life and the joy we share now that she is home! Pages and pages were filled in my commonplace journal as I read this book - Michael Phillips has a beautiful way with words, but even more powerful are the Biblical concepts easily taken to heart in story form. I found the introduction to the ideas and political climate behind World War I and the issues of women's rights and one of the character's explanations of the atonement. I can't wait to start another Michael Phillips series!!