I'm long overdue for looking for and listing blessings to be thankful for:
151. A beautiful garden with a deer fence to protect our labors
152. A laboring husband who loves to grow things
153. Healthy, energetic little ones
154. Hard working girls who help keep the house clean.
155. Time at the lake with friends
156. Beautiful sunset and time to paint in my nature journal
157. An encouraging phone call from Adam - stories of God's faithful provision
158. Conviction and confession followed by forgiveness and a new start
159. Quiet moments with my Mom to talk and be refreshed
160. Flowers blooming in my gardens
161. Loaded apple trees
162. Our own strawberries and blueberries
163. A church family to be part of
164. Bills paid and jobs planned
165. Little one's learning to read
166. Laughter and late conversations with my "big girls"
167. Cool breezes at the end of hot days
168. Good books to read aloud at bedtime
169. Phone conversations with grown boys.
170. Hope that hangs on