Ann Voskamp has challenged her readers to come up with 1000 things they are grateful for. This is the beginning of my list....
1. God the Father -- Someone is in charge! capable, all wise, Good and trustworthy, and He asks us to call Him Father!
2. God the Son -- Jesus, creator and sustainer of all. The miracle worker who has made provision for our redemption from the clutches and kingdom of sin and Satan. Jesus, our High Priest making a way into the Holy of Holies and a possibility for holy living
3. God the Spirit -- Comfort, insight, wisdom, guidance, the protection of conviction.
4. Nature -- The created world is one of beauty and wonder! Inspiring and full of spiritual metaphor. A grand finger pointing to our creator with all its awesome detail and intricacy.
5. The Bible -- What a book!! Alive and complete, all we need for life and godliness - comforts, convicts, enlightens and enlivens. It teaches us History and how to understand it -- the roots of mankind and God's dealings with him as well as our future what God has planned for the world and man. It teaches us how to live in the present and gives promises that we can live by faith transforming our lives. It is God's voice, used personally by the Holy Spirit to touch our lives and carry us through the hard times. Full of admonition, example, and promise. It is the very best of literature - beautiful in all details.
6. A Christian upbringing -- I am so very thankful for the life, and example of my parents - how easy it made it to believe when there was so much truth imparted into my life as a child.
7. My Dad -- A truly godly man - a living inspiration - a man of insight, love, life, endless enthusiasm, wisdom, patience, self discipline, and generousity. Dad always had our best in mind and generously spent himself to invest in our lives. He passed on his love of the Lord, nature, hard work, projects and people. He has not only loved me, but also my husband and children.
8. My Mom -- my greatest fan - my Mom loves me, believes in me, and inspires me. She has made my Dad her life serving beautifully behind the scenes, making his dreams come true. Her patience in ill-health, and uncomplaining spirit as well as her thoughtfulness for others are an inspiration. Her love of books and ideas passed on to us and even her granddaughters head to the book section of the used store first.
9. My sisters -- forever friends - committed and loving through thick and thin, we've shared the trail through time and trials. Though we are quite different, we have respect and love and want the best for each other.
10. My husband -- 30+ years together, commitment through the joys and trials. I'm thankful for his ability to stretch a dollar and spend it on things that will last. Even on a limited single income he has managed to get us out of debt and keep us there by trusting the LORD and spending carefully and wisely. He is careful and detailed balancing my view of the whole. He has insights into people and spiritual things often overlooked by others. He is a handyman that seems to be able to keep old things running long past their usual life of service which is very handy when you have 10+ people using the things all day every day. A trustworthy man of integrity who has learned not to give his word unless he thinks he can keep it. Humble when he sees his error he is willing to apologize and change.
Only 10 but a good start. I'll write more another day or perhaps elaborate on these....